
We address all hospitals and clinics. Our devices comply with the highest standards and are made to last! Also, the automation of the mechanical processes of performing the exercises considerably reduces the time required for a session, thus allowing a large number of patients to receive treatment.

The “SANTEX CONCEPT” is an innovative system in medical rehabilitation that operates completely independently, without surveillance staff, giving the possibility to evaluate the potential of patients in a unique and extremely complex way.
Be one step ahead! Did you know that only 1 in 10 people who need physical therapy need surgery? The rest need non-surgical treatments. It offers these services at lower costs than traditional physical therapy, using MKB-SYSTEMS devices. Take advantage of automation and state-of-the-art software to provide quality services to your patients.

Each machine has up to 4 different exercises, thus making it possible to treat several ailments with a single device.
The target of therapeutic exercises on Isokinetic Dynamometers is addressed to the following pathologies:
✓ Neuromuscular pathology
✓ Osteoarticular pathology
✓ Post-traumatic sports pathology
✓ Post-traumatic pathology

Our products come to the aid of physiotherapists, making their work significantly easier. The effort during therapeutic procedures is eliminated. Thus, the physiotherapist acts as a supervisor by assisting and evaluating the procedures performed by the patient on isokinetic machines.
We address to YOU!
Take advantage of this technology and consider it a business opportunity. Do you know what is a major advantage in using MKB-SYSTEMS devices compared to traditional physical therapy?
“THE SANTEX CONCEPT” – which is an innovative system in medical rehabilitation that works completely independently, without supervisory staff, giving the possibility to evaluate the potential of patients in a unique and extremely complex way.
It offers even better benefits than traditional physical therapy, with a much smaller number of human resources.